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A Message From eForms (COVID-19)

Updated: October 26, 2021

Many people across the world are enduring what was previously unthinkable. Most Americans have a lot of unanswered questions, and it’s difficult to navigate new restrictions that are currently confining a massive number of people to their homes.

In times like these, it takes a universal effort to stay afloat. We will continue to give our customers all we have, in every way that we can.

From our onset, we wanted to make costly legal documents free for all. On our website, you will be able to continue to do as you’ve always done — download any one, or hundreds, of our thousands of free forms directly to your device, without having to sign up for a trial, provide your credit card info, name, email, or anything else.

eForms is a digital enterprise. While we have a close-knit team, many of our staff work across the globe. During this pandemic, we’re all working hard to bring you valuable information that you can use to your advantage during this challenge. We’ll start with suggestions for how to stay prepared during the coronavirus outbreak.

How to Stay Prepared During COVID-19, Legally

We have seen an uptick in requests for certain forms, and we’re finding that many people are obtaining forms that are a good idea to have on hand, even in normal circumstances. These four forms are suggested to be completed in case of a medical emergency:

  • Advance directivecommonly called a living will, specifies medical actions to be taken in the event of incapacitation or the inability to make decisions for oneself
  • Medical power of attorney – appoints someone to make medical decisions on your behalf
  • Durable power of attorney – appoints someone to make your financial decisions and manage your affairs
  • Will – establishes the distribution of property when someone passes

Online Signing and Notarization

This is an important issue to address, as many of the above forms require validation or additional signatures (to add, notarization is an extra protective measure that many people opt for, even if it isn’t required). For that, we’ve made an entirely separate resource, which you can find here.

Above All Else, We’re Here to Help

As always, head to our main website to find any legal document you may need, for free. Our hours have not changed, and our staff is available from 9 am to 9 pm, EST. If you have any questions or need assistance, our email and live chat support services are available to help.
